How do I apply for a job at CRMC?
All applications are submitted on-line. You can find a list of available positions and apply by Searching Our List of Available Positions.
What are the hours of operation for CRMC Human Resources?
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00 am – 12 noon or by appointment
How can I get in touch with Human Resouces?
You can reach Human Resources by calling (912) 383-5607 or (912) 383-6905
Where is CRMC Human Resources located?
Human Resources is located at 1100 W. Ward Street Extension.
What happens to my application once I’ve submitted it?
All applications are reviewed for completeness, accuracy, work history, and applicability to the position for which you’ve applied. Generally, only applications that meet the minimum requirements of the job for which you are applying, are given further employment consideration.