Standard Charges
Coffee Regional Medical Center is committed to providing meaningful information to our patients related to their financial responsibility for healthcare services. Coffee Regional makes every effort to provide complete and accurate information about the amount patients may be obligated to pay for the services they receive. Coffee Regional Medical Center works as a community partner to provide high-quality, cost-effective healthcare services to our patients.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid require hospitals to publish standard charges, which are the basis for patient billing, to ensure pricing transparency.
Coffee Regional Medical Center is committed to providing meaningful information to our patients related to their financial responsibility for healthcare services. Coffee Regional makes every effort to provide complete and accurate information about the amount patients may be obligated to pay for the services they receive. Coffee Regional Medical Center works as a community partner to provide our patients high-quality, cost-effective healthcare services.
CRMC’s searchable tool contains a list of standard charges. It contains proprietary information of Coffee Regional Medical Center and is provided in compliance with 45 CFR §180.20 for sole use by you or your agents, as healthcare consumers, to make comparisons across hospitals for your potential out-of-pocket costs and expenses related to the delivery of healthcare services.
The standard charges do not reflect final patient charges or amounts billed to patients. Each patient’s financial responsibility will vary depending upon insurance coverage and network discounts with payors, deductibles, co-insurance, copays, financial assistance approvals, and services provided for each patient’s unique needs. A standard charge in no way guarantees payment by any insurer.
The use of this information is being granted to patients in accordance with federal laws. Any use not authorized herein is prohibited, including by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, making copies of standard charges for resale and/or license, creating any modified or derivative work of standard charges, or making any commercial use of standard charges, or using the charges in an anti-competitive activity that is prohibited by state or federal laws.
By accessing the files, you understand that you should only use them for the purposes defined by the federal Price Transparency laws and not to remove, reverse engineer, alter, or modify the information without the Hospital’s consent.
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Click below to access CRMC’s standard charges machine-readable file and an online tool for estimating out-of-pocket costs.