Vascular surgeons specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries) in all parts of the body except for the brain and heart. Many of these problems involve blockage or potential blockage in the vessels, such as thrombosis, and poor circulation seen in many patients with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and Reynaud’s syndrome. The vascular surgeon diagnoses the problem, then prescribes medicine or performs surgery to restore blood flow and prevent further damage to the body. Vascular surgeons treat other vessel problems, from aneurysms (weakening of the vessel wall) to varicose veins. Vascular surgeons also manage lymphedema and other obstructions of the lymphatic system, which transports vital blood components from the veins and arteries to other cells in the body.
TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR)
Coffee Regional is now offering a breakthrough technology called TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) to treat patients with carotid artery disease. While any repair of the carotid artery carries some risk of causing a stroke because of the repair itself, TCAR was designed to help minimize that risk by keeping potential stroke-causing fragments away from the brain.
Like the open surgery, carotid endarterectomy (CEA), this innovative procedure involves direct access to the carotid artery but through a much smaller incision at the neckline just above the clavicle instead of a longer incision on the neck. During the TCAR procedure, a tube inserted into the carotid artery is connected to a system that temporarily directs blood flow away from the brain to protect against dangerous debris from reaching the brain during the procedure. Surgeons then filter the blood before returning it to a vein in the groin, and a stent is implanted directly into the carotid artery to stabilize the plaque and prevent future strokes. The entire procedure is performed in less than half the time of CEA – limiting the stress on the heart and significantly cutting the risk of the patient having a stroke or heart attack during the procedure.
Patients who undergo the TCAR procedure recover quickly (typically spending just one night in the hospital) and almost always go home the next day to return to full and productive lives with less pain, smaller scars, and a reduced risk of future strokes.
Your physician may recommend the TCAR procedure if you’ve been diagnosed with carotid artery disease. For more information about TCAR, call CRH Surgical Group to schedule a consultation with one of our vascular surgeons. (912) 384-5832
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